Transform Your Read More Link With a Little Pizzaz

Whether it be "[Read more »]" or the default "Read the rest of this entry »," your read more link is probably boring and you may be missing out on ways to increase your click through rate by changing the wording of your "Read More" link.
Hey, Copyblogger uses it, so it must work, right? Anyway, here's a quick rundown of how to do it…
Open up index.php for your WordPress theme…as usual, use the default theme as a reference if you're having trouble following along. Find the following line (it's line #12 on the default theme):
The only thing you need to change is what's between the single quotes of the_content('…….'); – now change it so it looks like this:
The "→" part is just the ascii code for a right arrow. Now your Read more link will look like this: